High School Musical Book Tag | WE’RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER!!


Recently, I got re-obssessed with High School Musical and I had to talk about it here! I was thinking about making this tag but it turns out it’s already out there. I found it over at Addlepates and Book Nerds, go check it out! Anyways, I apologise for the overload of gifs in this post but I couldn’t help myself XD

The Start of Something New | A new favourite 

The Summer of Chasing MermaidsOk this was meant to be a new favourite genre/author/series but I couldn’t resist. I wrote up a review for it recently and remembered how much I loved it. Definitely on my favourite list although is it new? I read it in February, it’ll do XD

What I’ve Been Looking For | A book that has everything you wanted

The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #1)Nothing can beat Percy Jackson and the Olympians for me. It’s got humour, it’s got action, it’s got the ships, it’s honestly got everything.

Fabulous | The biggest diva

I can’t think of any divas. Got any suggestions?

Status Quo | A stereotype defying character

Rebel Wing (Rebel Wing #1)Aris from the Rebel Wing series is so badass. Not only does she go “Screw your men only military rules, I want to fly a plane”, she goes and does it and gets military honours.

Boys Are Back | Best bromance

OF COURSE THIS WOULD BE JACE AND ALEC even though the TV show says differently, DON’T PLAY WITH MY FEELINGS SHOW! If they made Shadowhunters a musical, I think it could be so much better, just throwing out a suggestion!

What Time Is It? | Best summer read

Aimee and the Heartthrob (Backstage Pass #1)It’s not anywhere near a beach but it’s so cute that it’s perfect for summer.

Everyday | You can only look at one cover for your life. What would it be? 

A Million Worlds with You (Firebird, #3) EVERYDAY FROM RIGHT NOW I can totally stare at the cover for ages. The colours make me cry happy tears.

Just Wanna Be With You | A book you couldn’t put down

Cinder & EllaCinder and Ella by Kelly Oram, I must have read it until 2am at least. Then reread it and fell asleep in class the next day.

Scream | A frustrating character

Freaking America Singer from The Selection series. Honestly, I’ve never read about someone so indecisive. On the other hand I’ll just spam this bit with angsty Troy pictures instead of the girl sniffing her armpit book cover. You welcome 😀


High School Musical | Your favourite fictional high school

Side story: I totally thought that high school would be totally nice like East High was with the giant cafeteria and the awesome theatre and gym. In reality, my school doesn’t even have indoor lockers. Also, I actually have to study not just sing and dance my way through high school 😦

Does Camp Half Blood count as a high school? I don’t even remember the last time I read a book that has a high school.

Humuhumunukuapua’a | The most ridiculous thing you’ve ever read

I Am Her RevengeThe mum holds a grudge over a teenage heartbreak… FOR LIKE 20 YEARS. And her daughter doesn’t think this is unnatural in any way.

Spring Musical Medley | The happiest ending ever

Anna and the French Kiss (Anna and the French Kiss, #1) This book just makes me so happy. I see the cover and immediately my day is just better. The ending is just so perfect and it lets my little heart rest.

If you were/are a big HSM fan, you’re tagged! You can never have too much sudden singing, right?


The Harry Potter Book Tag | ACCIO FANGIRL IN ME

DUM DUM DA DA DUM DUM DUM DUUUM – that was my attempt at non verbally singing the HP theme song, you welcome 😉

When Amy @ Book Enthral tagged me in this, I was so in. I mean, it’s Harry Potter how could I not? So basically you find a book for each spell but it can’t be a Harry Potter book (which I know is hard)


A book with an interesting theme but you’d like to rewrite it

SoundlessSoundless had a really interesting concept of a deaf village mixed in with Chinese folklore but it really fell flat towards the end. If I could just rewrite the last half, just the last half!



The first book of a series that got you hooked

Touch of Frost (Mythos Academy, #1)This book was just so addictive to read. We have romance, we have mythology from all over the world. It just reminded me so much of Percy Jackson and right when it did that, I was a slave to this series.


A book you wish you had right now

P.S. I Like YouGIVE IT TO ME NOW! I love all the Kasie West I’ve read so far and I’m sure this will live up to the insanely high standards I now have XD


A killer book

Things We Know by HeartThis book slayed me with feels. If that’s not a killer book, I don’t know what is 😀


A confusing book

I Am Her RevengeOMG HOW COULD I FORGET THIS BOOK. It was so confusing and illogical as fuck. I was going to write a review for it and title it “Probably a Taurus” because the mother holds a grudge for 20 years over her broken heart. Also, the daughter just goes along with the plan and doesn’t even once go “wtf mum this is stupid, get over it”. Ugh, this was so frustrating to read.


Your spirit book

The Battle of the Labyrinth (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #4)Percy just really speaks to me because mentally I’m still like 12 XD But seriously, The Battle of the Labyrinth has always been my favourite PJO book closely followed by The Lightning Thief. It was a book I fangirled about before even knowing what fangirling was.


A dark and twisted book

Angelfall (Penryn & the End of Days, #1)Do I even need to explain? Angelfall is like pure gore and horror but I love it so much XD


A book that surprised you in a great way

The 5th Wave (The 5th Wave, #1)I actually thought I wouldn’t really like The 5th Wave because it was such a struggle to get through the first half. I had like a month away from it before coming back and just devouring it.


Kat @ Life and Other Disasters

Alicia @ #lovebooks

Marie @ Drizzle and Hurricane Books

Chiara @ Books for a Delicate Eternity 

I am pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. First year students will be required to complete this tag 😉

Thanks again to Amy for tagging me. I had way too much fun doing this tag and brushing up on my HP facts XD





I am a sucker for good looking books| The Book Courtship Tag

book courtship

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! I hope you had a very romantic day with your significant others… or if you’re single like me you had a great day with your true loves whether it be books, Youtube… you name it XD

Parneet @ The Enchanted Book tagged me a month ago, but I felt this was the perfect time to do this tag. I mean courtship is dating and dating is romance 😉 If you want to find out more about the books, click on the covers!

Initial Attraction | A book you bought because of the cover

All Fall Down (Embassy Row, #1)

I’m such a colour hoe because I actually didn’t buy this book for the cover. I loved the shade of purple the inside of the hardcover was so I just got it XD

First Impressions | A book you bought because of the summary

Things We Know by Heart

The summary was really alluring. It was basically guaranteed to be a cute fluffy read!!

Sweet Talk | A book with great writing

The Host (The Host, #1)

The Host was so good! I have no idea why it is because it has the same writing as the Twilight series. Honestly, it’s not that Twilight was badly written it’s just the plot was stupid as hell. Thank god in The Host, that problem is gone.

First Date | A first book of the series which made you want to pick up the rest

The Darkest Minds (The Darkest Minds, #1)

I remember reading the end and then getting to the BLOODY CLIFFHANGER AND HAD TO WAIT A YEAR BEFORE THE NEXT BOOK!! I had to know what was going to happen to Ruby and Liam.

Late Night Phone Calls | A book that kept you up all night

Anna and the French Kiss (Anna and the French Kiss, #1)

IT WAS TOTALLY WORTH IT!! It’s definitely one of the cutest books out there.

Always on My Mind | A book you can’t stop thinking about

Heir of Fire (Throne of Glass, #3)

I read this for over a month and unlike Anna, I hated it so much. Like honestly, I love to rage to people about this book. I love Manon and Dorian’s POV but the rest of the book was slow as fuck.

Getting Physical | A book which feels nice


I was actually going to get this book just because of the way it felt. I had a whole post where I just fangirled about it’s matteness. I think it wouldn’t even matter if I hated a book. If the cover is good looking and it feels good, then it has to be mine XD

Meeting the Parents | A book you would recommend to your family and friends

Avalon High

Do you remember Avalon High? OMG it was the best. The movie though… yeah XD This was the first retelling kind of book I read and it was amazing at the time. I feel like it’s a good gateway book into all the other YA themes.

Thinking About the Future | A book you will re-read A LOT

City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments, #1)

Time to show off the new covers! City of Bones will definitely be re-read in the next few weeks. Need to get back my Clace feels as Shadowhunters is currently killing it for me. They do have good Malec feels though!

Share the Love!

Ok, I’m pretty sure a lot of you have done this so if you haven’t and want to, feel free to do it. JUST DO IT 😀

Secret Life of a Book Blogger Tag | Yes, I am an alien

secret life

It’s been a while since I’ve done a tag! This one is from Marie @ Drizzle and Hurricane Books who tagged me last month. Yeah, I’ve been pretty bad at keeping up with book tags and so they always go out of style before I get around to posting it.

How long have you been a blogger?

I think it’s been about 2 years? Maybe 3 or 4? I’m not quite sure because I only got into blogging seriously around last year! I’m a slow learner, don’t judge me XD

At what point do you think you will stop?

Like with all my other hobbies, when I get bored which can mean a few minutes but for the blog is probably more like years. I love book blogging and it’s just so fun to talk to people with the same interests.

What is the best thing?

Definitely fangirling with people. I get to share my feels about something to others and I think that’s amazing, especially since we’ve never met face to face! The power of internet 😀 I like to imagine you’re all like this when talking about books:

What is the worst thing? What do you do to make it okay?

Hmm… this is a tough one. I guess the worst thing is blogging insecurity which is really easy to get because there’s just so many great blogs out there doing the same thing I am but better. I find it really hard to give a voice to my posts but then I see others that have it in their posts and it just brings me down a bit. Then I remember in the beginning, I was really obsessed with stats. I mean, it’s hard to keep writing if no one’s reading. But now I know it’s ok because everyone has a unique writing style.

How long does it take you to create/find pictures to use?

It depends what I’m looking for! Most of of the time, it’ll take a while. The pictures have to be a perfect fit with the words and since I’m always searching for gifs, it takes forever to scan the depths of Tumblr. Not to mention Tumblr is just one big distraction.

Who is your book crush?

Adrian Ivashkov from the Vampire Academy series and Bloodlines series is just my all time favourite book crush. For actual crush on a book though, I have to go with The Golden Lily because that book just gives me hardcore feels whenever I read it.

What author would you like to have on your blog?

I’ve never really thought about this! I think I’d really want to have maybe a contemporary author? I’d love to know where they draw their inspiration for the characters and setting from because it’s really different from fantasy where you can make up everything.

What do you wear when you write your blog posts?

I know this might sound shocking, please don’t judge me, but I wear… clothes. Sometimes my special blogging jumpsuit with bright green velvet pants, yes.

How long does it take you to prepare?

For stuff like Top Ten Tuesdays or book tags, they’re pretty quick. I just type out my answers and add some pictures and boom, post done. For reviews… yeah, that takes me days. Partly because I’m lazy but partly because I like to write reviews over a few days to think over my thoughts about the book.

How do you feel about the book blogger community/culture?

You guys are just the friendliest people ever. Seriously, like how are you all so awesome? I honestly love the book blogging community because it’s a place where I can be the biggest book nerd and everyone is as well!

What do you think one should do to get a successful blog?

The number one thing would have to be post regularly. Not many people will keep coming back if it’s still the same post at the top everytime! The 2nd thing would be to socialise! It’s a win win really, you get to know a lot of people and a lot of people get to know you 😀

Who do you tag?

As always, feel free to ignore this tag if you’ve done it 😀

Annette @ Book Blather

Cameran @ camminbookland

Calliope @ Calliope the Book Goddess

Raven @ Dreamy Addictions

Victoria @ Addlepates and book nerds


Christmas Song Book Tag

Christmas is next week and I’ve just realised I haven’t done anything Christmas themed on the blog so I decided to do (what else) a book tag. Also, I just rewatched The Polar Express and was in a festive mood 😀 I saw this one over at The Girl Who Read Too Much and knowing how much I love song book tags (refer back to the Taylor Swift tag) I had to do it.

“You’re a Mean One Mr. Grinch”

Name a villainous character you couldn’t help but love.

I don’t love any villain really. I love to hate them and that’s it XD

“All I Want for Christmas is You”

Which book to you most hope to see under your Christmas tree?

The Amazing Book is Not on Fire

Pretty please? I would be so happy absorbing so much Dan and Phil, especially in book form.

“Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer”

Name a character that overcomes major obstacles and learns to believe in themselves.

For this one I’m going to say Clary from The Mortal Instruments, especially in the first three books. She might not be the best fighter of the TMI crew but she eventually becomes pretty decent and gains so much self respect from herself.

“Santa Claus is Coming to Town”

a) Which character do you think would be on the top of the naughty list?

Queen Levana, hands down. Just look at all the things she did during her reign.

b) Which character do you think would be at the top of the nice list?

The love interest from The Fill In Boyfriend because he was just the sweetest guy and him with Gia and him with his sister. (Not naming him for those who haven’t read the book 😉 )

“Frosty the Snowman”

Which book just melts your heart?

Ok so this time it’s a tie between Anna and the French Kiss and To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before.

“Feliz Navidad”

Choose a book that takes place in a country other than your own.

When do you ever read about a book set in Australia? That’s my question to you question prompt.

“It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year”

Which holiday themed book do you use to spread the Christmas joy?

The only holiday book I know is My True Love Gave To Me, which I’m in the middle of reading. I really enjoyed some of the stories, especially Rainbow Rowell’s… will have to read more of her stories!

“Sleigh Ride”

Which fictional character would you choose to spend the holidays with (doesn’t have to be a love interest!)?

I would love to spend the holidays with Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase (they would stick together during Christmas). Percy would be super adorable about all things Christmas and Annabeth would be spewing out all these facts about Christmas.

“Baby It’s Cold Outside”

Which book that you didn’t like would you sacrifice to a fire to warm yourself up in the cold?

I Am Her Revenge by Meredith Moore. I was extremely excited to read this book and was so let down by it. I even wrote half a rant during my rage which I might post soon (or next year, or never)

“Do You Hear What I Hear”

Which book do you think everyone should read?

The Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead because it’s one of the onyl vampire books I like. I know vampires are so last year but the characters in the series make it so good. And let’s not forget the awesomness that is Adrian Ivashkov 😉


Christmas Song Book Tag complete! Onto the tags:

Marie @ Drizzle and Hurricane Books

Victoria @ Addlepates and Book Nerds

Kat @ Life and Other Disasters

Of course, if you want to do it, do it, even if you’re not tagged (I did lol)! This tag was so fun to do and got all the songs stuck in my head… I really can’t staaay~