Top Ten Tuesday: Loved you to (bookish) death

You know when you love a book so much that you end up hating it? Or when you hated a book so much and ended up loving it? This week it’s all about the books you loved, then hated, then loved, then hated…

1. Ink | Amanda Sun

Ink (Paper Gods, #1)This book went from ok to amazing after a couple of rereads. I remember I really complained about the instalove but the main couple was pretty cute so I was willing to overlook it XD

2. Twilight | Stephanie Meyer

Twilight (Twilight, #1)I was actually a fan of Twilight. Not a Twihard or anything but I liked it enough. I mean Stephanie Meyer can write but Twilight was not an example of that.

3. The Host | Stephanie Meyer

The Host (The Host, #1)I have to talk about The Host if I mention Twilight! I remember borrowing this one from my library and really hating it. The intro is really slow and I just couldn’t get through it. The next month I tried to read it again, got past the intro and into the amazingness.

4. Bloodlines Series | Richelle Mead

Bloodlines (Bloodlines, #1)Ah, my on off relationship with this series. I go through moments of just pure fangirling to analysing why it got so bad at the end.

5. Fallen | Lauren Kate

Fallen (Fallen, #1)One of the first angel stories I ever read. I’m pretty sure it’s not as good as I thought it was XD

6. Riley Bloom Series | Alyson Noel

Radiance (Riley Bloom, #1)Ok, I was just really excited by small things when I was younger. I’m so sure that I would hate this book if I read this today.

7.  Spellbound | Cara Lynn Shultz

Spellbound (Spellbound, #1)This book seemed really cliched the first read but my inner fangirl was unleashed the next time.

8. My Love Lies Bleeding | Alyxandra Harvey

My Love Lies Bleeding (Drake Chronicles, #1)OMG how could I forget my obsession with this series. I literally stalked the author’s website so much.

9. Incarnate | Jodi Meadows

Incarnate (Newsoul, #1)So this was probably one of my first YA reads… good times.

I was so close to ten this week! Damn it!! Anyways, do you see books different after a while? Do you go and actually change your ratings? Let me know 😀