Week of Love #3 | Re-reading makes you fall out of love

They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. Long distance relationships are solid proof of this. So in book terms, is it better to read a book once and love it instead of reading it over and over until you hate it?

Re reading. We’ve all done a lot of it. Personally, I mostly re-read contemporaries because the ease of reading them makes me want to go back to them again and again. I’m also a partial re-reading which means I only go back to certain scenes or quotes but I know a lot of people just do a full re-read. Totally in awe of you if you do 😀

YES! Re-reading! | FOR THE FEELS!!

  • I’m one of those people who sometimes rush through books because I’m always short on time. This means that I miss a lot of things in the first read so going through it again makes everything a bit more clearer.
  • It always makes for a good re-read when the same feels come at you! Reading about your OTP, certain scenes… all the feels come rushing back.
  • Sometimes it makes you like the book a bit more. Maybe you were kind of on the fence about it before but then BAM it’s suddenly just the best thing ever written.

Ugh, re-reading | It just makes the book worse.

  • I’m not going to lie but not many YA books are really well written. I have a simple mind so it doesn’t take much to entertain me! However, when I re-read a book, the flaws pop out more because I’m not under the “first read” glasses.
  • It wastes so much time where you could read a new book. TBR lists just keep getting longer and longer so honestly reading a book you’ve already read is just such a waste of good reading time.
  • You can only read a book so many times before you get bored of it. It’s just like if you watched only one episode of a show everyday for the next 10 years, you would be so sick of it.

Now it’s your turn. What do you think about re-reading? Are you a partial re-reader or a full re-reader? If you do re-read, why do you?