10 Second Reviews: The Movie Edition

I have a feeling that this will become a common feature on my blog just because I’m so lazy to write the reviews I SHOULD be writing… which I will be writing just not today XD I did watch a few movies this week so here we are:

Finding Dory – Ellen Degeneres

Tears, laughter and an epic echolocation scene. This movie played with my emotions but I loved it.

Me Before You- Emilia Clarke, Sam Claflin

Wasn’t as a good as the book, there I said it. It also wasn’t bad it’s just ok. The soundtrack is amazing though, give it a listen.

Independence Day: Resurgence – Jeff Goldblum, Liam Hemsworth 

So I’ll just put my tweet right here:

Got bored by the first hour, the plot was so weak and if you’ve seen the first one it’s basically the same… minus Will Smith.

So have you seen any of these movies? What new films did you like? Let me know! More book reviews are definitely coming up so come back soon 😀

♥ Prima

Author: Prima

Still crazy obsessed with High School Musical and is disappointed real life high school did not involve as much singing and dancing. Super cynical about Disney movies and kdramas but still loves them. Blogs about books and feels.

8 thoughts on “10 Second Reviews: The Movie Edition”

  1. I kind of can’t believe that after so long Finding Dory is actually a thing! I was so small when I saw Finding Nemo in the cinema, ohmygosh. I haven’t read much about Finding Dory, so I don’t have any real clue what it is about, but I am still keen to see it. Such a throw back to childhood!

    Ah, I have such conflicted feelings towards Me Before You. I know I will watch it, but I will definitely be watching it aware of the problems. And also the end. I mean, when everyone is talking about how heartbreaking it is, that is a pretty big giveaway, haha.

    Yeah, I am not particularly surprised that the new Independence Day wasn’t good. I thought the ads looked kind of terrible XD

    I recently watched The Martian, which was WAY better than I ever thought it would be. I also binge watched The Descent and The Descent Part 2 one after the other because they were quite addictive in that terrible horror movie kind of way!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dude Finding Dory was such a throwback. I remember loving Dory as a kid. She was just so adorable!
      I totally need to watch the Martian soon, everyone’s been raving about it. Was thinking of reading the book first though so I’ll get onto it XD
      Did you get around to watching Me Before You (in the month it took me to reply to you >.


  2. I love the soundtrack to Me Before You, too! I didn’t like the movie too much… I read the book first and it just wasn’t up to par. I feel like I’m the only one who hasn’t watched Finding Dory!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The soundtrack is just so good! I was obsessed with The 1975’s track, it’s just so catchy! I feel like the movie just focused too much on the romance and not enough on everything else which is a shame since the book did it so well 😦


  3. Ten second reviews are the best! I totally get it. Writing a full review can be soo time consuming and it’s not like you don’t have an opinion on it at all, but maybe not a 1,000 words long one hahaha do I make any sense here?

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