ARCs Are a No

off the tracks

Last year, I discovered Netgalley and might have gone a bit crazy with it. This means I got some arcs that I didn’t really want to read. For example Skulk by Rosie Best was one I haven’t finished since last October (which I probably should let the publishers know I didn’t finish it… does anyone know the protocol for DNF ARCs?)

E-ARCs usually have a time limit to them so I panic and I usually have to force myself to read them. I feel like all I’m thinking about is the time left to read it rather than just enjoying the actual story. A big lesson for me: don’t request books you’re not really really excited for. Otherwise, you will have to suffer through reading them. Looking back now, I realise these e-ARCs could’ve been the reason for my sudden negative attitude in reading. And hence my reading block happened.

Anyways, after finishing Imposter by Susanne Winnacker (which has to be finished by 26th January… erg do you see what I mean?) I’m not gonna impulse request from Netgalley anymore.

Comment below your opinion about ARCs. I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Author: Prima

Still crazy obsessed with High School Musical and is disappointed real life high school did not involve as much singing and dancing. Super cynical about Disney movies and kdramas but still loves them. Blogs about books and feels.

18 thoughts on “ARCs Are a No”

  1. Yeah, the exact same thing happened to me when i started book blogging. I thought NG was the most wonderful thing ever to be invented (it is actually pretty awesome, I still love it), and then I requested so many books and was approved for a lot, too. And then they released the dreaded ratio, and mine was horrific. I read a whole bunch last week, though, and am at about 62%, which I think is pretty good!
    I know what you mean about reading them just because they have an expiry date. I used to feel that way, but then I eventually gave up on it. Sure, they may be archived but if I really want to leave the publisher feedback for that book, I’ll buy it and still send them the feedback via NG. I mean, there’s no use in reading a book just because you feel as if you should. That takes away all the fun!
    But, I have decided that I will try and finish all my remaining NG books ASAP. And then only request ones that I really, REALLY want to read. Because then it will never feel like a chore 😀


    1. My ratio isn’t too bad(ish) but then again I’m don’t get heaps of books so that factors into it. The thing you said about not worrying about the expiry date is really interesting. I’ve never really thought of buying the book then giving the publishers the feedback. It’s a great idea! Would take the panic and stress off a lot (and give me time to enjoy the story).


  2. Why does Imposter have to be finished by then? I have it too, and not yet read it. As for ARC DNF’s I just do a review stating that and review what I did read, only had to do it once so far thankfully.


    1. Imposter has an expiry date (cuz I got an e-ARC) and so it won’t be able to be read after that day. It was a book I wasn’t so sure about so I don’t really want to buy it. Also, thanks for telling me what to do with DNF ARCs! I had no clue what to do with them (hopefully this will be my only one too)


      1. Might need to get reading the older ones quickly then, and I not sure if that’s the way your meant to do it for the DNF books, it’s just the way I do it.


  3. Surely once it’s downloaded to your e-reader they can’t take it off you?

    Anyway, I know this situation very well. I went crazy requesting ARCs because I didn’t think I’d be approved for any of them.

    I have an honest policy. If I receive an ARC and I just can’t read it (because it’s not my thing or the writing is terrible or something) I’ll tell the publisher exactly that. ‘I’ve marked this on Goodreads as a DNF for these reasons… but thank you for the opportunity’

    Work through what you’ve got and send the feedback when you finish… even if it’s a year later. I’ve stopped requesting titles if they’re released in less than two months now, unless it’s a fave author.



  4. Well, being pretty green here, I don’t know much about requesting ARCs, but I did hear about the time limit, an that after a certain date books disappear even from your e-reader (you can’t open the file anymore, or something like that). But as far as I’m concerned I don’t think I’ll do much requesting, because my TBR list is already full of ancient books I need to catch up on, I just don’t have the time to read brand new ones no matter how good they sound.


    1. I don’t really follow my TBR list… I usually just pick out a book I’ve found to read (which is probably why my list is so full and why I end up with ARCs that are so so). I’m with you on the clearing out the TBR lists. This year will be dedicated to that 😀


  5. I have that problem as well. I was on a semester break from school when I started the blog and now that I’m back reading books has become really difficult. I just got my percentage up to 82% and I don’t plan on requesting more books anytime soon. Though I’e never had a book expire on me. I put them on my kindle as soon as I’m approved and even after that are archived, I can still read and review it.


    1. Do ARCs expire on kindles? I read them on my iPod so I don’t know if the expiry date thing applies to kindles… Anyways, I’m planning to get my ratio above 80 then not request anymore like you.


      1. yup!

        According to NetGalley –

        There are two kinds of expiration dates on NetGalley:

        One type applies to any protected galley you download: the file expires a set number of days (usually 55 days, though publishers may choose other lengths of time). You can find the expiration date once you open Adobe Digital Editions, view the titles in your Library, right-click on the title and select Item Info. However, you can download another 55-day copy of the file from your NetGalley account if you need more time to finish reading, until the publisher archives the title. Just log back into your NetGalley account, click on your Activity or Shelf section, find the title, and then press the green Download button again.

        Some publishers also list an expiration date in the book description. This is the date the publisher plans to remove the galley from NetGalley’s catalog. After this date, you will not be able to download another copy of the file, or access the galley through NetGalley at all. Any copy downloaded to your computer, iPad, or Adobe-compatible reader will be available until you reach the Adobe Digital Editions expiration date, as described above. If you have used the Kindle option to send a copy of the file to your Kindle, that file will not expire, and will continue to be available to you.


      2. Also, good luck getting your percentage up! It’s hard I recently fell into a reading slump with two books I requested. I DNFed both of them. =/

        I feel bad when I do that.


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